My name’s Rebecca. I’m a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, a kitchen herbalist, a decent cook, a self-help nerd, and an avid gardener.
I also deal with chronic digestive issues.
I’m incredibly passionate about food, herbs, and lifestyle as the keys to holistic health and healing. But, for a long time, I felt like a fraud sharing the things I’m passionate about because I haven’t been able to “cure” my own health issues.
(Imposter syndrome coming in hot over here.)
The thing is, even though I haven’t been able to achieve “perfect health”, I am continually learning incredible things about how our bodies function and how food, herbs, mindset, and lifestyle can support health. And if you know me at all, you know how much I love to talk about the things I learn.
So rather than waiting until I feel “perfectly healthy” — an unrealistic and problematic goal in the first place — I’ve decided to share my imperfect journey while I’m still in the middle of it.
This blog is simply a space for me to share all the awesome shit that gets me excited. Things like delicious seasonal recipes and incredible herbal remedies. How reconnecting with the earth’s energies and seasonal transitions can help regulate our nervous system. The many ways gardening has brought unexpected joy and wonder into my life. And probably a book review here and there (I read a lot of books). It’s all fair game here.
Because if sharing what I love happens to inspire someone else to cultivate a more connected existence and savor all the beauty life has to offer? Well, I can’t imagine anything more incredible than that.
And if all that sounds more than a bit affected and faux-earnest, I get it. It feels very affected and faux-earnest to put it out there. But it’s my authentic, woo-woo cheesiness, and if that makes some people roll their eyes or cringe, well… me, too, honestly. But I’m trying to own it.