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Journal Prompts

Your “Why”: The First Step To Creating Your Dream Life

Do you know the life you’re trying to create? Or are you just going through the motions day to day, dealing with things as they come up? If you want to start making real, powerful progress toward creating your dream life, you have to get clear on your “why” first. 

You probably have an idea or general sense of the kind of life you want to live. But how clear is that vision? How clear is your “why”? There’s often so much going on in our day-to-day that it’s easy to get bogged down with whatever is presenting in our immediate reality. But if you’re only focused on what’s right in front of you, right now, you probably feel like you’re doing a lot of things without making any real progress in your life. 

If you’re not clear on the dream life you’re trying to create, how can you possibly make decisions and choices that will lead you there? And how will you notice the signs, synchronicities, and opportunities that align with that dream life? 

This is why getting clear on your “why” is, in my opinion, the most important first step toward manifesting the life of your dreams. 

It’s also a lot of fun. 

The Importance Of Your “Why”

Going through life without clarity around your why is like getting in your car with no idea where you want to go. If you drive around making decisions on which way to turn as each crossroads or roadblock comes up, you may end up somewhere cool or you may end up driving in circles. Either way, you’ll be putting in the same amount of effort without actually getting where your soul wants to go. 

Taking the time to get clear on what your dream life is is the first and most important step towards actually bringing your dream life into reality. Your soul already knows what it wants out of life. That’s why it’s so easy to tell when what you’re experiencing isn’t aligned. 

When life starts to feel frustrating or hollow, or you find yourself feeling restless or bored, those are signs that your current reality isn’t aligning with the life that is meant for you. 

Align Your Subconscious and Your Conscious Minds

By bringing your dream life up from your subconscious and honing in on the details of that dream life, it allows your conscious mind to become fully aware of what it wants. This is what allows you to start noticing when aspects of your reality are aligned or unaligned. 

When you bring your dream life into your consciousness, your mind will automatically start looking for ways to make that dream life a reality. Opportunities and choices you may not have even noticed before now trigger recognition in your mind and help lead you toward the life you’re after. 

But what if you don’t know what your dream life is? It’s easy to get stuck on the specifics. Our culture loves a detailed 5-year plan with a destination that leads to successful outcomes like a career, prestige, or financial milestones. 

But the career, title, and salary aren’t the same as a dream life. 

They are just some of the many aspects that can form a dream life and they’re very much interchangeable. 

There are hundreds of career paths that could get you to your dream life. Hundreds of jobs that could get you a salary that you think will make you happy. There are countless paths you could take to get to the life that is meant for you. But first, you have to know where you’re trying to go. 

So don’t get bogged down on the “how”. Instead, focus on the “big picture” kind of life you want to create. 

Your Dream Life Journal Prompt

Journaling is one of the best ways to get clear on the life you’re trying to create. Writing it down forces you to slow down and consider what you truly want. It also allows you to go back and review this dream life as often as you need. 

First, set aside some time when you can be alone to focus on this prompt. This doesn’t have to take long, even just 10-15 minutes works. But give yourself the space to focus solely on you. Then, answer the following simple prompt:

My dream life is…

Write freely about everything you imagine your dream life to be. Don’t hold back. Think of anything and everything you would want to have in your life if there were no limitations. If money weren’t an issue. Be audacious; be radical; be honest. If you could snap your fingers and create your dream life, what would it include? What are you doing? Where do you live? Who are you with? How do you feel? 

It’s also important that you write this without any external input. For right now, you aren’t going to worry about what anyone else might think or how any of your dreams might impact others. You want to hone in on what your dream life looks like without considering the input or influence of anyone else. 

Allow yourself to be utterly selfish for just these few moments. You don’t have to share what you write with anyone else if you don’t want to. This can be just for you. 

One note: Don’t worry too much about getting every aspect right. Remember that the specific details, while incredibly helpful in giving you guideposts and goals to creating your dream life, aren’t set in stone. Those details are just material representations of your soul’s desires. And as you grow and learn and experience more, those details may change. And that’s a great thing. This dream life should be viewed as a living document. Something that you revisit regularly and allow to evolve along with you. 

Next Steps: How To Start Creating Your Dream Life

So you’ve got your big, bold, audacious dream life written out. Now what?

A simple and powerful way to start bringing your dream life into existence is to simply review what you’ve written regularly. This simple act will help cement this dream into your conscious mind so that you’re more likely to notice when opportunities and choices that align with that dream life cross your path. 

With this clear dream life in mind, you can start creating concrete goals that are aligned and will actually get you to the dream life you want to create. I like to use the SMART goals system (even if it does trigger memories of working in Corporate America) because, frankly, they work. 

Break each goal down as small as possible, then start working your way through them. It doesn’t matter how quickly you make progress. In fact, slow, intentional progress is often much more effective than frantic, rushed progress. Just remember that as long as you’re continuing to make progress, you’re bound to get where you want to go. 

It’s also helpful, while reviewing your dream life, to notice what comes up for you. How does it make you feel? Does it fire you up and get you excited? Or does it trigger doubts and make you start questioning if it’s even possible or, worse, if you even deserve this dream life?

Becoming aware of any limiting beliefs that surface is a good thing. By bringing those beliefs into your conscious awareness, you can learn to reframe them so that they don’t keep holding you back. 

Start Creating Your Dream Life Today

As a bonus, look over your dream life and see if there are any aspects that you can bring into your reality right now. Even if those aspects can’t be “perfect”, making small aligned shifts in your current reality can create powerful momentum and space for more of your dream life to come to you. 

As I mentioned before, this shouldn’t be a one-and-done activity. You are meant to continue growing and evolving, so your dream life is going to grow and evolve, too. 

Instead of viewing this journal entry as your life path written in stone, turn it into a ritual that you revisit regularly. Maybe you revisit this journal prompt with every new moon to align your short-term goals. Or maybe you revisit it with each season. Or even just yearly at the new year or perhaps on your birthday. 

However you want to use it, remember it’s a tool meant to bring your soul’s desires into your consciousness so that your conscious and subconscious minds can align and work together to start manifesting that reality for you. 

Want to take this to the next level? I’m releasing the “Your Lit-up Life” workbook soon that walks you through a 7-step process that helps you get clear on what you’re passionate about and create a plan to bring those passions into reality.
Enter your email address below to join the Cultivate & Savor newsletter and get a special discount when the workbook launches. 

creating your dream life

